We had our second meeting today. Other than some casual games and teaching games, we also discussed about the roles and responsibilities of each position, logo and t shirt design, ways of promoting the club and etc. Here are some of the pictures taken.

Hiew Foong(W) against Tze Ping(B)

Ray vs Michael

Ray vs Pei Hung

2nd meeting

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

Here comes our 5th meet up~ We paid a visit to JIS go club but unfortunately not many were there at that time due to CNY(most of them return to their hometown). Before going JIS, some of us paid a visit to Michael's place, chit chat and had some snacks and tea.

Chinese tea pot

Michael serving us tea
Michael explaining on the 茶道(tea ceremony)

Dunno what's Enru doing here

Most of them played chess

Teaching game by Ray (Hiew Foong is improving!!)

Azim playing with the REAL 1-dan =..=(Thats what he said)

the teacher in charge

Enru bullying the kids xp

Michael leading the game

Gong Xi Gong Xi!!

4th Go Meet up

Very happy to see more members in our club. =D 

My game(W) with Michael(B)- I resigned

Michael(B) vs Huiyee(W)- Huiyee resigned

Ray and new member Joanne

Michael won 2 games today!

Our strongest female player here, Huiyee

Ray teaching Joanne


huiyee's and Michael's game